Is Gold Being Created At The Hadron supercollider?

Large Hadron Supercollider

With the recent addition of  created elements 114 and 116 to the periodic table of elements , the question is : if science can create elements [ now over a dozen ] which previously never existed , can an element which already exists be merely duplicated ? The obvious common sense answer is yes .

Element 114 , called ununquadiam , and element 116 called ununhexium are a result of atomic collision in a particle accelerator . After experiments in 2004 and 2006 approval was given by the  international union of  pure and applied chemistry . Official status was given by the international  workers party on discovery of elements . The final decision on the names was made by an international commitee [ could that be why both elements begin with the prefix UN   UN  ? ]

So elements can be created . Can they be duplicated ? They can be and have been . It simply requires slamming or colliding the correct atoms together . The Hadron supercollider came online publicly on September 10 , 2008 . Nine days later there was a helium gas explosion . On November 20, 2009  the proton beams were circulated again with the first ever proton-proton colluision occuring 3 days later . This giant particle accelerator was originally built in Texas but in 1993 ,after 2 billion dollars was spent , president Clinton and congress cancelled the project leaving 200,000 square feet of vacant factories and labs as well as almost 20 miles of tunnels now filling with water . Chosing Texas involved geographic and economic studies in 43 states . Thousands of technicians , researchers , and students were to have been employed there . Now the entire facility lies empty near Waxahachie , Texas …

Now part two of the equation . A major obstacle to reproduction of elements such as gold has been the cost of energy . Even though the collider technology now existed , it still took millions of dollars in energy to make a very small speck of gold . “Collider gold”   has been an expensive experiment , up until now . With the development of new metal alloys called “superconductors ” the long awaited infinite energy source is now a reality . Typically barium and copper oxide combined with bismuth or thallium , and cooled with nitrogen , these amazing metals have zero resistance . A superconductive metal alloy can conduct any current with no voltage at all . When constructed in a circle , or coil , the current can run unrestricted : FOREVER  !

Now we have a supercollider as the tool and the superconductor metals providing the infinite energy source . These are the exact requirements for the production of gold [or other valued metals] once intended for Texas and now in Switzerland , the gold storage capitol of the world .

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    Large Hadron Supercollider

    With the recent addition of created elements 114 and 116 to the periodic table of elements , the question is : if science can create elements [ now over a dozen ] which previously never existed , can an element which already exists be merely duplicated ? The obvious common sense answer is yes


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